Our Chapters
Sheeba Ameer first visited friends and supporters of Solace in Dallas, Seattle and San Francisco Bay Area in November, 2017. Though individuals and groups have been supporting Solace always, after Sheeba Ameer’s visit, there was a strong interest in getting organized to make the groundswell of support for Solace in the United States permanent, reliable and larger. Solace Charities, Inc., headquartered in Dallas, Texas is a result of that and it has been incorporated with the main objective of supporting Solace financially.
We are actively setting up Solace Charities chapters all around the United States. If you would like to bring the message of Solace and its founder’s vision to your locality, please contact for details and guidance.
Solace Charities has either chapters or collaborates with local organizations in the following locations:
San Francisco Bay Area, California
Dallas, Texas
Boston, Massachusetts
Tampa, Florida
Washington D.C.
Charlotte, North Carolina