Solace for Kids
Solace extends support to get the best available medical treatment for the suffering child in tandem with the medical fraternity.
Solace extends support to get the best available medical treatment for the suffering child in tandem with the medical fraternity.
Solace is an organization that supports severely ill, underprivileged children and their families in KERALA, INDIA. Solace is dedicated to improving the lives of these children through compassionate and effective services, from providing financial support for necessary procedures to facilitating support groups for families.
These resources are invaluable for these children, who are often gravely impacted by chronic and long-term illnesses such as cancer, from cleaning homes to financing surgeries for underprivileged children affected by long-term illnesses like Cancer.
Although Kerala has the lowest infant mortality rate in India (7 out of 1000, while the national average is around 30 out of 1000), childhood cancers and other long-term illnesses are being reported at an increasing rate. Compared to all the other cancer cases registered at the Regional Cancer Center in Trivandrum over the past ten years, close to 5% of cancer patients are children in the age group of 0–14 years old.
Solace is the first palliative care center in Kerala that focuses on children suffering from various life-threatening ailments like cancer, thalassemia, nephrotic syndrome etc. Solace provides financial aid, medical aid, rehabilitation, and counseling to more than 3700 kids’ families spread across Kerala.
We are local volunteers of Solace, spread across multiple cities in the USA. Solace firmly believes that to support the child in need, we must also support the impacted family
The Annual Pledge is $240, which will cover average basic medical expenses for a child. You may also set up a monthly recurring payment of $17 with PayPal.
Please get involved in our activities by volunteering with us
No amount is big or small. Solace Charities is a Non-Profit Organization with 501c(3) status, and every donation you make is eligible for tax exemption.